Multidisciplinary university research initiatives program white paper template

2. Research Opportunity Title -

Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI)

Fiscal Year 2004 Department of Defense Multidisciplinary Research Program of the University Research Initiative.

4. Research Opportunity Number -

6. Research Opportunity Description -

White papers and proposals addressing the following topics (14) to (21) should be sent to AFOSR:

(19) Characterization and Prediction of Turbulent Transport Properties in Nonequilibrium Flows

Proposals from a team of university investigators may be warranted because the necessary expertise in addressing the multiple facets of the topics may reside in different universities, or in different departments in the same university. By supporting multidisciplinary teams, the program is complementary to other DoD basic research programs that support university research through single-investigator awards. Proposals must name one Principal Investigator as the responsible technical point of contact.

7. Point(s) of Contact -

Questions of a technical nature shall be directed to the Research Topic Chief listed in the topic description.

Questions of a policy nature shall be directed to the following Point of Contact:

Office of Naval Research MURI Program Point of Contact:

Dr. Donald E. Polk

Director, Corporate Programs Division, ONR 363

Office of Naval Research

800 N. Quincy Street

Arlington, VA 22217-5660

Email Address:

Questions of a business nature shall be directed to the cognizant Business Point of Contact, as specified below:

ONR Business Point of Contact:

Senior Contract Specialist

Contract and Grant Awards, Management

Office of Naval Research

800 N. Quincy Street

Arlington, VA 22217-5660

Email Address:

9. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Numbers -

12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research

10. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Titles -

CFDA Title: Basic and Applied Scientific Research

11. Additional Information -

The previous MURI competition comprised ONR BAA #02-025, dated 19 July 2002, for the FY03 Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative program.


1. Application and Submission Process

The proposal submission process is in two stages. Prospective proposers are encouraged to submit white papers. Based on an assessment of the white papers, the responsible Research Topic Chief will provide informal feedback to the proposers to encourage or discourage them to submit full proposals. White papers arriving after the deadline may not receive, and therefore may not benefit from, the informal feedback. However, all proposals submitted under the terms and conditions cited in the BAA will be reviewed regardless of the feedback on, or lack of, a white paper.


  1. Evaluation Criteria -

White papers will be evaluated by the responsible Research Topic Chief to assess whether the proposed research is likely to meet the objectives of the specific topic, and thus whether to encourage the submission of a full proposal. The assessment will focus on scientific and technical merit (criterion 1, below) and relevance and potential contribution to DoD (criterion 2, below), although the other criteria may also be used in making the assessment.

Full proposals responding to this BAA in each topic will be evaluated using the following criteria. The first three evaluation factors are of equal importance:

(1) scientific and technical merits of the proposed basic science and/or engineering research;

(2) relevance and potential contributions of the proposed research to the topical research area and to Department of Defense missions; and

(3) impact of plans to enhance the institution's ability to perform defense-relevant research and to train, through the proposed research, students in science and/or engineering (for example, by acquiring or refurbishing equipment that can support DoD research and research-related educational objectives).

The following four evaluation criteria are of lesser importance than the above three but are equal to each other:

(4) the qualifications and availability of the principal investigator and other key research personnel;

(5) the adequacy of current or planned facilities and equipment to accomplish the research objectives;

(6) the impact of interactions with other organizations engaged in related research and development, in particular DoD laboratories, industry, and other organizations that perform research and development for defense applications; and

(7) the realism and reasonableness of cost. (Cost sharing is not a factor in the evaluation.)

2. Evaluation Panel -

White papers will be reviewed either solely by the responsible Research Topic Chief for the specific topic, or by an evaluation panel chaired by the responsible Research Topic Chief. An evaluation panel will consist of technical experts employed in the government.

Full proposals will be evaluated by an evaluation panel chaired by the responsible Research Topic Chief for the particular topic and will consist of technical experts employed in the government. Evaluation panel members are required to sign "no conflict of interest" and non-disclosure certifications.

3. Selection Process -

Full proposals will undergo a multi-stage evaluation procedure. The respective evaluation panels will review proposals first. Findings of the evaluation panels will be forwarded to senior DoD officials who will determine make the final decision on funding recommendationsfunding recommendations to the awarding officials.


3. Department of Defense High Performance Computing Program

The DoD High Performance Computing Program (HPCMP) furnishes the DoD S & T and DT & E communities with use-access to very powerful high performance computing systems. Awardees of DoD contracts, grants, and assistance instruments may be eligible to use HPCMP assets in support of their funded activities if Program Officer approval is obtained and if security/screening requirements are favorably completed.