Blackwood Guitar

Welcome to Blackwood Guitar. If you are planning to make a guitar, you can download designs (plans or blueprints if you prefer) from here absolutely free. I highly recommend lutherie as a hobby, girls love a man in a plastic apron and if you lose a thumb along the way, it will give you a story for life. I'm sure the same is true for lady luthiers. My name is Stuart and I created these plans for my own use. You can download them for free because I think it's nice to do that sort of thing. To be honest I am sort of paying you to take these plans because I have to pay to host this website. The plans are full size (A0 - that's 841mm by 1189mm - the plans are in metric too by the way), so you don't stand a chance of printing them at home, don't even think about trying to stick A4 pages together or some other such madness. Your best bet is to download the PDFs, then send them off to a local printer, or at least someone in the same country who can post them to you. Each design has two pages, one for the main structural components and one for the internal bracing and such like. The designs are in colour (yes, i'm British), but you only need to print them in greyscale, the colour conveys no essential meaning, it mainly just makes things look prettier, which is important only if you want to stick them on a wall. You can do more or less anything you like with these plans, but do use some common sense. If you start trying to sell them somewhere else I will sue you (I definitely won't, I have no money, but please don't). Also, please link to this website rather than rehosting the designs elsewhere. Other than that, knock yourself out. If you feel particularly overwhelmed with warm charitable feelings, that's great, but there is no way you can contact me or donate anything, so please do something nice for another person. I'm serious, don't ignore this, if you use the designs, go and visit your elderly neighbour, bake a cake for your office or if applicable, stop selling crack to children. One last tip, make sure you download the correct design - either left or right handed. And if you do accidentally chisel a thumb off, put it in a bag in cold water - not in ice.



A classic dreadnaught design. Still going strong 100 years after Martin invented it, because it's totally bad ass. If you like simple quality (and drinking moonshine on Grandpa's porch), go for this design. The plan uses Martin's X-bracing structure as it provides loads of strength and great tone.



Still basically a dreadnaught but with some funky features. The waist is tucked in making it slightly smaller and good with treble. The fingerboard fits around the soundhole, the headstock gets a wavey ending, and check out the bat-wing bridge. Say what!? That's right, even more totallyer bad ass.